About Us

Waco native R.B. Parrott and his wife, Edith Heinze Parrott, donated $30,000 to establish a community foundation in Waco, the Waco Perpetual Growth Foundation. A board of governors was selected to distribute funding for community projects.

The first grant was made to the YWCA for $2,500 to pay for additions and improvements to the grounds of the Blue Triangle YWCA at 301 Cherry Street.

Historic Waco Foundation and McLennan County Medical Society established the first funds under the Foundation's management.

McLennan County Medical Society donated $37,000, bringing total Foundation assets to $400,000.

Following the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Parrott, Waco Foundation received an additional $311,000 from the Parrott estate.

Waco Foundation began a more robust annual grantmaking strategy as it entered the 80s, making distributions to multiple organizations each year.

Stephen Goldstein left his estate of $14 million to Waco Foundation to benefit his hometown and fulfill his family’s shared desire to help the community.

Waco Foundation hired new Executive Director Jerry Burks.

The MAC College Money Program was established by Malcolm and Mary Ruth Duncan to give every local student the opportunity to attend college.

Local philanthropists Paul and Jane Meyer established Passport to Success to fund scholarships for local students through Waco Foundation’s MAC College Money Program.

Waco Foundation hired new Executive Director Tom Collins.

Miss Margaret Horsfull arranged for the majority of her estate to be held in trust in honor of her brother, John F. Horsfull, Jr., for “public, charitable and benevolent” purposes to better the city of Waco and its citizens. Funds from the John F. Horsfull, Jr. Fund at Waco Foundation have been used to support many local nonprofits, including the Humane Society of Central Texas, World Hunger Relief Farm, Cameron Park Zoological and Botanical Society and Waco Symphony Orchestra.

Executive Director Tom Collins created the Community Grant Writer Program (now the Capacity Building Program) to help local organizations access funding from a variety of resources, including those from outside the community.

The J. Carroll and Doris W. Wood Fund was established at Waco Foundation nearly 20 years ago by the generous Wood family to support several local charities. The Woods' fund was created to facilitate the charitable goals of many family members. Mrs. Doris Wood has been known to tell folks, “We could have lived anywhere, but Waco is a great place to raise a family.” The J. Carroll & Doris W. Wood Fund continues to support Waco nonprofits that represent the heart of the community.

Waco Foundation hired new Executive Director Ashley Allison.

Waco Foundation was named the beneficiary of a $6.5 million charitable remainder trust from Lyle Kay Masterson in memory of her mother, Lyle Seley Masterson.

James Newberry Todd designated a portion of his estate to establish the Louis and Rosa Conti Fund in honor of his grandparents for the betterment of Waco. The fund has been used to support various charitable organizations and causes, including Animal Birth Control Clinic, Caritas of Waco and early childhood programming.

Waco Foundation was awarded the Council on Foundations' National Standards of Excellence designation.

The LeadershipPlenty® Institute-Waco was launched to further develop community leaders who represent the rich diversity of the community.

Barbara LeBar bequeathed a $650,000 estate gift to provide ongoing support for local libraries, of which she had always been an avid supporter.

The SmartBabies Early Childhood Initiative was launched to improve early childhood quality of life in McLennan County.

The Jerry and Patsy Cartwright Family Fund was established in 2012 to honor Jerome Cartwright (pictured at center), the executive director of Waco Foundation from 1958 – 1993. The fund supports initiatives that aid children and improve education and poverty.

The Foundation received a $500,000 bequest from William Travis Clarke, Jr. A portion of his gift was granted to the Doris Miller Memorial.

Waco Foundation launched the Pie Society, a community-wide legacy society comprised of generous donors who have promised to leave a portion of their estate — or a piece of their pie — to charity.

Waco Foundation received an $8 million dollar estate gift from Kent Keeth. This generous donation is used to advance the Foundation's mission and improve quality of life in McLennan County.

Dr. George Jurek, retired dentist and local philanthropist, is passionate about access to dental health resources, especially for those who have behavioral health needs. Dr. Jurek’s vision is to replace fragmented dental care with an inclusive model that encompasses dentistry as part of primary care for patients with behavioral health needs or developmental disabilities. To further realize his vision, Dr. Jurek generously established the Dr. George Jurek Dental Services Fund at Waco Foundation that provides funding to help patients with behavioral health needs attain access to dental healthcare. Dr. Jurek has made a planned gift provision and will leave a portion of his estate to provide for future dental health needs in perpetuity.

Waco Foundation's Board of Trustees formally named Racial Equity as a Foundation priority, guiding all future work of the Foundation.

Mart, Texas native James Lee Davis, JL established two funds at Waco Foundation: the Dorothy Schneider Davis Endowed Scholarship Fund with a $1 million gift in honor of his late wife, and a fund for Mart road projects, to which he gave $850,000 in matching funds to assist the City of Mart as its citizens invest in local road and infrastructure improvements.

Longtime Waco Foundation supporters and founders of the MAC Program, Malcolm and Mary Ruth Duncan, left a $9 million estate gift to Waco Foundation. The MAC Program was re-named Duncan Scholars in their honor, and now provides one-on-one academic, social and financial support to students from their senior year of high school all the way through college completion.