Community Impact
Waco Foundation engages in both proactive and responsive grantmaking activities. The proactive grantmaking is largely implemented through staff-led initiatives and the work of select community partners. All grantmaking decisions are based on community-wide impact of improving local quality of life.
The competitive grants process was designed to help ensure the Foundation remains inclusive with regard to the causes, concerns and perspectives of area nonprofits, and responsive to the financial challenges they face.
Waco Foundation gives priority consideration to the activities noted below.
- Fostering activities and programs that leave people of diverse cultural/ethnic backgrounds with a clear, tangible sense of belonging, engagement, and value and/or reduces disparities in experiences.
- Helping people leave poverty permanently. As an example, priority will be given to supporting the most focused, cost-effective methods of:
- Significantly reducing teen pregnancy
- Significantly increasing graduation rates from high school, technical school, community college and college
- Supporting valuable projects that are:
- Interesting, unique, and energizing; and which seek to make Waco a vibrant, inclusive and attractive community
- Considered to be critical components and high priorities of the entire community
- Increasing the capacity of McLennan County’s nonprofit sector and the ability of the community-at-large, to address challenges:
- Strengthening nonprofit sustainability
- Helping local organizations collaborate
- Increasing leadership capacity and pathways
- Funding organizations that provide support and service to our most vulnerable residents – people in poverty, people with disabilities, the elderly, children and youth.
The following grant programs are available to McLennan County-based nonprofits for FYE2025:
Program/Operating Support Grants are intended for agencies whose programs or services give attention to identifying and addressing the root causes of area challenges, including the social drivers or determinants that foster, create or reinforce inequitable outcomes and experiences.
- Maximum award amount: varies
- Applications accepted: June 15, 2024 and January 1, 2025
Capital Expenses Support Grants help cover costs related to select, small office equipment, building equipment, building renovation and/or construction costs, and select vehicle purchases (the Foundation does not award grants for passenger vehicles).
Small Capital Grants: Will be awarded in keeping with the uses noted above. While the Foundation will accept applications from a variety of nonprofits, the highest priority consideration will be given to human services, youth-serving and arts/cultural organizations needing capital assistance.
- Maximum award amount: $40,000
- Applications accepted: June 15, 2024 and January 1, 2025
Large Capital Grants: can be used to support building acquisition, construction, renovation, or rehabilitation. Applicants for Large Capital Grants are expected to have secured 60% of their necessary funding before approaching the Foundation with a request.
- Maximum award amount: varies, but greater than $40,000
- Applications accepted: By invitation only – June 15, 2024 and January 1, 2025
Immediate Impact Grants are intended to provide program, operating or capital support to a wide range of area nonprofits. The Foundation offers support in three primary areas:
- To civic-grassroots groups and nonprofits working to provide support to traditionally marginalized or under-invested communities (in keeping with recognized CDBG recipient areas) through efforts that help enhance the attractiveness and vitality of targeted neighborhoods, and foster community engagement and development among those population groups.
- To nonprofits that provide support and service to our most vulnerable residents, including people in poverty, people with disabilities, the elderly, children, and youth.
- To nonprofits that work to help foster an inclusive, attractive community for residents and visitors alike. Under special circumstances, the Foundation will accept requests from Taxing Entities (e.g. school districts).
- Maximum award amount: $5,000
- Applications accepted: June 15, 2024 and January 1, 2025
Critical Needs Grant Program is designed to provide short-term, situation-specific funding for nonprofits experiencing operating challenges due to unforeseen emergencies or urgent needs. With a relatively small amount of funding, these loans or grants help an organization manage an unbudgeted, unforeseen, and time-sensitive opportunity or emergency that will enhance or preserve the ability of the organization to meet its mission.
- Maximum award amount: $25,000
- By Invitation Only - Applications accepted: June 15, 2024 and January 1, 2025
Grant applications are open 6-7 weeks prior to their respective deadlines. For more information, check out our Grantmaking Information Packet. Nonprofits may also preview the program summary and application for each active grant program here.
Nonprofits are asked to contact Nicole Wynter to discuss their project, before initiating a grant application.
Statement about Our Grant Applications:
Over the last several years, Waco Foundation has been on a journey to expand our understanding of the factors that contribute to area residents encountering inequitable opportunities or experiences. One of the ways we are beginning to apply our learnings is through the questions we pose to and about nonprofit management, program design and service. Asking questions to better understand the organizations we support helps us to accomplish our mission more equitably. This also helps grant applicants understand that we consider their use of inclusive and equitable practices to be an important organizational advantage.
While we have chosen to prioritize making grants to agencies that value equity, we remain committed to being a community foundation that meets people and organizations where they are in their journey and welcome applications from those whose position on the topic may differ from ours. We encourage applicants to connect with Waco Foundation grantmaking staff to learn more.
How to Apply
- Access the online grant application portal to begin work on or complete an application.
- Preview the application.
Waco Foundation invests more than $6 million in grants, capacity building services and community programming every year!

Here to help
Contact Nicole Wynter, Senior Director of Community Investments

Technical Assistance
Contact Raquel Williams, Program and Administrative Assistant