Community Impact
Waco Foundation is committed to strengthening the organizations and groups that implement our community’s innovative ideas and major services.
The Foundation invests in capacity building because we believe organizations that have taken certain steps in planning their work have the best chance of ultimately improving our community’s quality of life, and we recognize that people enter nonprofit work at different points of readiness and preparation.
Through our Capacity Building Program we help the staff and boards of McLennan County nonprofits gain access to planning, quality trainings and other resources to help strengthen their organization’s ability to conduct mission work.
Family Abuse Center has greatly benefitted from capacity building offered through Waco Foundation. These trainings have provided immeasurable support for the Board of Directors as well as the development department for the organization."
Capacity building is a term used in the charitable sector that describes activities designed to help improve a nonprofit’s ability to meet its mission and maximize the resources given to them by the community. Capacity building services are distinguishable from direct program services, general operating support or capital expenses in that they typically seek to increase the knowledge, skill level and/or efficiency of a nonprofit board and staff. Capacity building services are typically provided by an individual outside of the organization that has the expertise and ability to focus on only one aspect of an organization’s management. Usual capacity building services include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Board and/or staff training
- Strategic planning
- Analysis of programs, cost centers, technology and fundraising potential
- Program evaluation
As a result of the work of the Capacity Building Program, Waco Foundation hopes to encourage the following within the nonprofit sector:
- Excellent board governance
- Sound management (financial & other)
- Cross-sector collaboration
- Best practices/evidence informed practices
- Leadership development
Our Capacity Building Program awards mini-grants up to $5,000 to nonprofits seeking guidance or expertise in areas such as organizational assessments, board governance and strategic planning. There are a wide range of activities that can be supported with a capacity building grant. Grants may support up to 90% of total costs, which are usually paid to consultants or as fees for participation in training or events.
To learn more, check out the frequently asked questions link here.
Waco Foundation offers high-quality, inexpensive, subsidized training on topics that benefit the nonprofit sector as a whole. Topics covered in recent training opportunities include: board governance, board member recruitment and orientation, fundraising and and financial literacy.
Waco Foundation offers a low cost/free assessment tool for eligible nonprofits through our Capacity Building Program. The self-assessment is a critical component of Waco Foundation’s Building Better Boards Initiative, which was designed to promote an understanding of good board governance and provide the resources necessary for continuing board development amongst nonprofit organizations.
The assessment provides information for nonprofit organizations to use in building their board and organization. The assessment is conducted by nonprofit groups with each member answering questions anonymously through an online survey. Once completed, a summary report is compiled that shows summary board responses and identifies potential areas for improvement.
- Read the overview of the Board Online Self-Assessment (BOSA).
- View the BOSA instrument/questions.
Waco Foundation encourages nonprofits to review the helpful resources listed below.
BoardSource® is dedicated to advancing public good by building exceptional nonprofit boards and inspiring board service.
BoardSource® provides:
- Knowledge and resources for nonprofit leaders through workshops, training, assessment tools, an extensive website and a membership program
- Governance consultants who work directly with nonprofit leaders to design specialized solutions to meet an organization's needs
- The world’s largest, most comprehensive selection of material on nonprofit governance
- An annual conference that convenes approximately 900 governance experts, board members, chief executives and senior staff from around the world to discuss the newest thinking and practices in nonprofit governance
As one of the nation's leading management support organizations, CNM brings the most current tools for best practices in nonprofit management to thousands of nonprofit boards, staff and volunteers each year.
The mission of CNM Connect is to build stronger communities by increasing the performance and impact of nonprofit organizations and ultimately visioning transformation of the nonprofit sector to create and enhance vital, caring communities.
Mission Capital is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to strengthening the performance and impact of nonprofits in the central Texas area. The organization provides a variety of low cost or no cost services and resources including management consultation, professional development workshops and conferences, in-depth data/research findings, and meeting facilitation.
Nonprofit Finance Fund® is one of the nation's leading community development financial institutions (CDFI). The organization makes loans to nonprofits and works to encourage financial investment in the sector by providing a continuum of financing, consulting, and advocacy services to nonprofits and funders nationwide. In addition to loans and lines of credit, Nonprofit Finance Fund® organizes financial training workshops and performs business analyses and custom services.
The Performance Imperative provides a model for how the most well managed and responsibly governed nonprofits operate.
Website: Performance Imperative

Here to help
Contact Nicole Wynter, Senior Director of Community Investments