The Forever Fund
A giving circle to engage the next generation of Waco philanthropy.

Duncan Scholars
Breaking down student barriers with scholarships, personalized support and emergency assistance. Duncan Scholars is designed to increase local college graduation rates while eliminating student debt.

Latest From Waco
The latest from Waco Foundation about our work in the community

Waco Foundation’s Forever Home.
The Avenue Nonprofit Center
We are currently renovating 1224 Austin Ave. to create a unique and comfortable space for local nonprofits.

Support Effective Nonprofits
Giving to Our Community Funds
You can give any amount, at any time, to support the arts, education, environment, human services, health and community development, and much more in our community.

Creating Lasting Impact
Plan for the Future
Give to improve Waco Foundation and beyond as part of your will or trust, knowing that we will act as a faithful steward of your wishes—far into the future.

Online Giving
Giving Back to the Community
It's easy to donate online to any of our individual charitable funds or to support the Foundation broadly. Online gifts may also be made in honor or in memory of special people.

Join the Pie Society
Leave a Piece of Your Pie
The Pie Society is a community-wide giving society made up of generous donors who have promised to leave a portion of their estate, or a piece of their pie, to local charity. No estate is too small to leave a lasting legacy.