Community Impact
The Waco Pie Society is a group of local donors who have committed to leaving a lasting legacy for the causes they care about. Watch the Pie Society Video to learn more.
If you love our community and want to contribute a piece of your pie to ensure it continues to be great, the Pie Society is for you. The Pie Society is a community-wide giving society made up of generous donors like you who have promised to leave a portion of their estate – or a piece of their pie – to charity. The amount of the gift and the charity or charities you choose is up to you. If you’ve made this commitment, you are already a part of the Pie Society, and we want to hear from you!
Being a member of the Pie Society provides us with the confidence that our gifts will be distributed in a consistent and professional manner to the nonprofit charities of our choice, in perpetuity."
- Ellen & Ford Taylor, Pie Society Members

Here to help
Have questions or need further assistance?
Contact Natalie Kelinske at (254) 754-3404, or send an email.

Pie Society
Interested in learning more or becoming a member?
Visit our the Pie Society website to learn more and sign up as an official member.